6 February 2014

The Simplest of Moments | A 365 Day Challenge for 2014!

6 February 2014
Hello my lovelies,

As a mini project for myself this year, I set to complete the 365 Day Challenge whereby I must take a photo every day of 2014, capturing each moment as it comes.

The main reason why I wanted to do this was actually due to one of my New Years Resolutions:

  • Enjoy life and be in the moment

I feel that 2013 was completely wasted and I have no real recollection of some of the wonderful things that I may have done due to the overwhelming nature of the HSC. All that comes to mind when someone mentions last year is eat, study, revise, sleep. And repeat.

I find it sad almost... that I didn't spend the year how I truly wanted and got caught up in an unhealthy mindset in order for me to succeed and complete my studies.

However this year, it's going to be different! And as cliche as that may sound, I want it to be the truth and I'm going to try everything to make sure it's the best year yet! I have a whole bunch of new experiences ahead of me and I want to capture every step of the way! 

Here is a little insight into a week that was:
13: billy blue interview  |  14: yummy clean breakfast  |  15: sunshine nails for a sun shining day
16: fruit salads on 37oC days  |  17: finally own benefit they're real!  |  18: baked a pineapple & coconut cake
19: created my youtube channel  |  20: discovered the most amazing juice  |  21: lunch date with the bestie

Be sure you check out my tumblr: thesimplestofmoments.tumblr.com if you want to follow along with me and share in with my year for 2014!

Much love and smiles,
Elle xo

Once Upon A Beauty Time © 2014